idaho shopping

Gold Stars Are Shining In Nampa Idaho!

The folks who know – GO! We are so happy to see our Big Box family growing here in Nampa!

Every day the new faces – and familiar ones! – bring such joy. We’ve started our Gold Star program every weekend and it’s met with such great results that we’re even putting out gold stars during the week!

But…What IS the Gold Star program?!

So glad you asked! Every Saturday (currently) we put out 25 actual 3d printed GOLD STARS on the tables. When you find one of these, bring it to the counter to select your Gold Star Item!

There are still over 80 more high value items still out on the tables! These 25 are just some of the very, very best ones that we want to give our dedicated customers the chance to choose from!

nampa idaho thrift store

What Are Gold Star Items?

Gold Star Items are generally “high value” items that range from $50-$500 and include tablets, phones, tech gear, tools, and all kinds of stuff!

Captain Tim Started Putting Out 5-10 Gold Stars During the Week Too!

That’s right! You can come in during the week days, find the gold stars on our tables, and turn them in for high value items at the price for the day. That means you can get merchandise worth $50-$100 for $7 or less — even during the week!


2 responses to “Gold Stars Are Shining In Nampa Idaho!”

  1. Lana Stagner Avatar
    Lana Stagner

    Very good place to shop, especially around the holidays. Coming up time to get ready for Christmas guys or birthdays. It’s a wonderful place to shop

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Lana! We really appreciate it!